I finished the rocking chairs a few days ago, but haven’t had time to blog. First, I sanded them, then I primed them with an oil based primer (kilz), then I painted them Sea Green (kilz), then I put a wax finish on them. The green is not as bright as an apple green, but I had this green left over from our old house, so it was FREE!
I made the pillows out of an old vintage table cloth that I bought at a thrift store that helps our local humane shelter. I actually just sewed 3 sides and then stuffed an old pillow in it and then sewed up the fourth. They aren't very pretty, but they sure do make the chair more comfy!
Now to the pictures…
Yesterday I started stripping the front screen door. I used a whole can of spray stripper and only got through the first 3 coats before I ran out. So, I need like 3 more cans! There isn’t much wood on the door, but there are so many layers of paint from the last 60 years, it is taking FOREVER! Hopefully in a few days I will have that project done. We chose an amazing Teal paint by Olympic. I can’t wait until it’s finished. I think it will look amazing with my sea green chairs!
Cheers, ya’ll!